Information about your practice
"In your appraisal portfolio you must provide:
- your personal details including your GMC reference number
- details of the organisations and locations where you have worked as a doctor since your last appraisal, and the roles or posts held
- a comprehensive description of the scope and nature of your practice
- a record of your annual whole practice appraisals, including confirmation whether you are in any revalidation non-engagement, licence withdrawal or appeal process
- your personal development plans and their reviews."
Guidance on supporting information for appraisal and revalidation (GMC, revised November 2020)
If your name, practice, role, contact details have changed this year, you also need to notify the PCSE.
Performers list fact sheet (PCSE, June 2022)
Probity statement
"You will also need to make a probity statement.
Probity is at the heart of medical professionalism and means being honest and trustworthy and acting with integrity.
Not providing honest and accurate information required for your appraisal will raise a question about your probity.
A statement of probity is a declaration that you accept the professional obligations placed on you in Good medical practice in relation to probity.
Good medical practice gives guidance on issues of probity as follows:
Probity is at the heart of medical professionalism and means being honest and trustworthy and acting with integrity.
Not providing honest and accurate information required for your appraisal will raise a question about your probity.
A statement of probity is a declaration that you accept the professional obligations placed on you in Good medical practice in relation to probity.
Good medical practice gives guidance on issues of probity as follows:
- Research (paragraphs 17 and 67)
- Holding adequate and appropriate insurance or indemnity (paragraph 63)*
- Being honest and trustworthy (paragraphs 65–67)
- Providing and publishing information about your services (paragraph 70)
Writing reports and CVs, giving evidence and signing documents (paragraph 71) - Cautions, official inquiries, criminal offences, findings against your registration, and suspensions and restrictions on your practice (paragraphs 72–76)
- Financial and commercial dealings and conflicts of interest (paragraphs 77–80)."
"As well as signing the probity statement, and acknowledging where there is an ongoing investigation or disciplinary matter, the RCGP recommends that you confirm that you have adequate and appropriate indemnity cover across the full scope of your work, and declare any potential conflicts of interest in your appraisal portfolio, and reflect on the potential probity challenges raised in Good medical practice with your appraiser."
Health statement
"You will also need to make a health statement.
It is important that you refect on and consider whether there any matters in relation to your own health and wellbeing which you wish to discuss with your appraiser.
This includes whether you have appropriate support in place to protect yourself and your patients.
It is important that you refect on and consider whether there any matters in relation to your own health and wellbeing which you wish to discuss with your appraiser.
This includes whether you have appropriate support in place to protect yourself and your patients.
Good medical practice gives the following guidance:
- Registration with a GP – you should be registered with a general practitioner outside your family to ensure that you have access to independent and objective medical care. You should not treat yourself.
- Immunisation – you should protect your patients, your colleagues and yourself by being immunised against common serious communicable diseases where vaccines are available.
- A serious condition that could pose a risk to patients – if you know that you have, or think you might have, a serious condition that you could pass on to patients, or if your judgement or performance could be affected by a condition or its treatment, you must consult a suitably qualified colleague.
You must ask for and follow their advice about investigations, treatment and changes to your practice that they consider necessary.
You must not rely on your own assessment of the risk you pose to patients."
"The RCGP…recommends that you discuss…your work/leisure balance with your appraiser."
Key documents
GMP Framework for appraisal and revalidation (GMC, 2013)
Guidance on supporting information for appraisal and revalidation (GMC, revised November 2020) or go to the on-line version
Good medical practice (GMC, 29 April 2019)
Medical Appraisal Guide 2022 (Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, June 2022)